Thursday, March 4, 2010


My first post in like a year! I've been hiding, growing, working, studying...

Ok, to sum it all up, I've been evolving. You know. That thing that we should all do.

I'll update you guys soon so hold tight!


Linda said...

Hey there! :)

Thanks for your comments on my new blog.. and first let me say that I love your new layout/title too! :D

So fun we're heading towards the same goals! When I read your latest comment, it was like I'd written it myself.. so many similar thoughts! (Which is a nice change, given the fact that we're surrounded by people who think we've gone absolutely bananas!)

I have a question about your meat 'though.. We've also decided to buy very little meat, and that which we buy, we get right from the (humane!) farm, where we're actually able to see the animals.. but you said you wanted meat from animals that died of natural causes.. isn't that dangerous? (with diseases or anything?) I understood that scriptures deliberately warn against eating animals that have died themselves, because maybe they weren't healthy?

Have you been succesful baking bread using other grains? I really only manage with spelt flour (which is just a variety of wheat) - other grains leave the bread sooooo dense.. :S I'm now using the 'no knead' method (so I AM using dried yeast, but let the bread rise for over 15 hours, so it has more-or-less properly soured..) A little cheat to sourdough bread ;)

Have you always eaten very healthy before? I'm wondering.. you have a daughter about the same age as mine, right? Have you made changes for her (as in: I'd really rather not see you eating this anymore)? How is she coping, does she get upset or anything?

Ok, lots of questions in such a small comment field.. *lol* Again, I'm just glad someone doesn't think I'm crazy.. hehe..

Greetings from the netherlands!

p.s. one more question.. as for the 'bilingual woman', what language are you studying?

Linda said...

Thanks again for your in-depth reply! :)

Again, it's so fun to read about someone walking the same path as we do.... do keep us updated, hehe!

As for the languages.. well, you ARE asking this to a Dutchie and one thing we've always been good at, as a people, is to please foreigners by learning their language (so they don't have to go through the trouble of learning Dutch when they visit.. *lol*)

I guess you could say we're a multi-lingual family.. due to several reasons:

I speak Dutch, which is my mother tongue, then English because we learn it in school, plus all tv is english with dutch subtitles. Kids learn fast that way! In high school, I studied french, german and Latin (but I forgot almost all of the latin) - and then my dad is from Italy and I visit grandma and grandpa there every year, so that's how I learned Italian. Lastly, my husband is from the caribbean, where they speak Papiamentu (a cross between Dutch and Spanish) - which is REALLY easy, so given the fact that almost all of our friends in church are from there too, I learned that.

My husband speaks Papiamentu, Dutch, English and pretty good spanish. The Spanish on his part is again because of the TV. In the caribbean, they get almost all south american (spanish) tv, even without the subtitles....

I think you made a very good choice by learning spanish first.. it's not too difficult, almost half of the world speaks it and it's a great step-up to all of the latin languages (french, italian, portuguese) - they say if you know one of them, you'll be able to understand them all :)

Greetings from the netherlands!

p.s. I realise these blog-comments are getting pretttty long, hehe.. if you'd care to mail me instead of replying on our blogs, my address is: linda [at] jurino [dot] com