Monday, April 27, 2009

Spring Cleaning

My spring cleaning relates more to the clutter in my head, rather than my house. I don't know about you guys, but it's so easy for me to cloud my head with so many dreams, ideas, and notions.

Last week, I made a decision to drop two classes I was taking; I had already complete 2 this semester and still have one that I attend on Monday and Wednesday evenings. I'm telling you, I was beginning to forget my own name!

Anyway, I must say that relieving myself of some of the pressure of finishing school before Princess P is 5 has really lightened the weight on my head!

My God, I would go through this long list of what ifs, and what did I forget, and Oh man, I still have two more chapters to read...

It was crazy.

I'm still learning to pace myself with this whole wife/mom/teacher/daughter/sister/friend/employee/student/sane-type-o-woman deal.

Pray for me guys! I'll write a more thoughtful post when my time and my thoughts finally align!
