Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Saving My Soul From Religion...

Taking my own spin off Terry's recent post , this is a subject I visit often in my mind. Who sets the standards for those areas that are not so black/white in the Christian walk? We do, but for purpose?

We spiritual being must be especially careful on becoming heavily religious. Although, a lot of topics abhorred by God are clearly stated, not every single aspect of life is so obvious in text. I believe that is so to allow us room to depend on the Holy Spirit. If everything was just that easily stated for us...a long list of dos and donts, then there would have been no need for the Holy Spirit to leads us; we'd have all we need to know in writing.

In recognizing this, we really reveal a part of God's character. I believe He's much more concerned with the important things, and let's all hope He is, because we all lack alone what is necessary for entry into His gates. In the Bible, God instructs the fathers to be patient with their children (Eph 6:4),. Since the fathers' character is to be fashioned of His own, what makes us think that God is any different when dealing with us (His children)?

We're not created to condemn or slap wrist. Even with our children, although we are to discipline them, we must first understand that we can't expect our child to know and do everything we say. We're just not that simple. We're complex people and it's really beautiful. Nothing in the world in like man.

People, especially church-folk, infer many things pertaining to God's law, thus creating these ever-changing labels of what is and what isn't Christ-like. For our family, the choice has been simple. We will do what we know God has instructed clearly in His word and pray for direction from the spirit for the issue we find difficult to handle. We weren't meant to handle everything on our own anyway. We have to need God. Like a wife needs to have her husband, the church needs to have God for those things that are not clear. It was His divine blueprint for our relationship with Him and wow what a plan!

God already knows that even if I live an extremely restricted life I will still need Him. He's still the one deciding my fate. There's no amount of rules I can follow that will assure me a way into Heaven. There are no shortcuts. My soul being able to ascend to Heaven is the ultimate display of His grace and mercy. So, I really should keep myself from losing the healthy fear of God by becoming over-confident in my understandings of God and my ability to please Him.

In no way am I saying that living within the stated confines of the Word is wrong, because I totally agree that we must maintain structure to function and God's structure is perfect for us. However, what I am saying is that my emphasis should not be solely on my "understanding" of this massive and awesome God we serve, yet should be more so on thanking God for His unconditional love and for His undying mercy, because without it I'm doomed. My emphasis should certainly be on fulfilling His will for me on earth and spreading His word through my daily interactions; becoming a transparent witness of God.

When I say transparent, I mean one who can clearly be viewed as not claiming to be perfect, yet one who diligently strives to be a witness of God's love and salvation through example. People most of all are drawn to the faith by what they experience. I, as a Christian, am striving to be apart of many experiences that lead to lives being transformaed through Christ.

God speaks to the heart of man through the spirit, not our logic. Our family chooses to stick by the things that are concrete, praise God with our actions not just words, and always remember to ask God for insight and wisdom when faced with something we're not sure of; we avoid too much talk of strict conformity and radicalism (1 Tim. 6:20).

Leaning to His understanding can be a lot harder for a nation full of people who think they know it all!



Mama M said...

Thank you!

Elspeth said...

I didn't take the time to read this earlier because, well, it's long, LOL. But I'm glad I came back and took a second look. One of the great problems I have found in the world of Christian "mommy blogs" is a spirit of self righteousness. So many women with their quiiverfull, homeschooling, dresses only convictions passing judgement on any and every woman who doesn't live the exact same way they do.

I actually agree with many of these views so at first I felt a camaraderie with many because in my "real life" there are few of my family or friends who subscribe to this. But you know, the women in my "real" life who work jobs, wear jeans, send their kids to school and choose not to have 10 babies are good, God-fearing wives and mothers. Some are single mothers who have since come to know Chriat. I began to get a bit uncomfortable hearing them run down on some of these blogs because they haven't come to the same place in their walk.

It has caused me to work hard to strike a balance between grace and truth on my own blog.

All that to say, good post, freemommie.