Monday, October 20, 2008

Homeschool - The Decision

After an inner-struggle that lasted for about a year, I've come to the conclusion, along with my husband's consent, that my daughter and any future children of ours will be homeschooled. I've done some research and have gained a lot of motivation to do so. Right now I am currently working and attending evening classes with my prospective BSN in mind. Unfortunately, my family is not in a position to where only one spouse can work, but I am learning day by day to appreciate that for what it is: a sacrifice. I also believe that this season is preparing me and molding me into becoming the multi-tasking, highly organized, and well-motivated woman I was created to be. I have identified the qualities that I must allow God to fully develop in me, that I may be able to accomplish my vision for my family. Allowing for this moment in my life to shape me into my super-self will not only help me to accomplish my dreams of homeschool and work, but to enjoy it as well. This journey will be the first of our family and as hoped, we can be an example of what level of excellence families are able to perform at with the will of God and determination being priority. In knowing that all things I do are done through Christ, I know that I am well-able and equipped for what life brings. Though it may not be an easy feat, I trust the rewards will be lasting. Education in the home is not the only way to teach a child by far, but I do believe it's the most enriching and pleasing to God! It challenges the parent/teacher to use every single opportunity life gives to the benefit of their child(ren) as we were directed to do (Deut 11:18-21). I am excited to get started, but I know I have a while before that first full week of instruction will come. Until then, I will make good use of my new decision and work it as a motivational tool for me; it willbe used to push me to do excellent in school and keep me focused on what is most important to me: my family. So as I transition into homeschooling full time and working part-time, I hope to connect with others mothers, who are both established and new in this world of home education, and learn as much as I can. Homeschooling is such a powerful tool to fend our family from wordly influence and I am so impressed with those who have already chosen to go that route. Praise to God and may I soon be able to follow in your steps!


Dani said...

I just wanted to say that with the nursing degree it will be easier than any other job to work around and get home education done. I am a RN and have a 4 and 2 year old so far. We will be home educating them and any other children we get blessed with. Right now I work a weekend program where I work 3 weekends out of 4. That way I am able to be home with the kids during the week.

My hubby and I hope for me to be home full time in the future but for now this schedule works for our family. If you have any questions about it please let me know.

oh, and congrats on your families choice to home educate! :)

Mama M said...

Thank you for the insight and encouragement. I'm currently finishing up my basics and wasn't really sure how it would work, but I knew nursing had one of the most flexible schedules. I'm hoping I'm offered some type of schedule similar to yours. I'm glad that is working for you all. God Bless!

Dani said...

I have been working in a local ER since graduating. I worked full time(3, 12 hour shifts a week) until my son was 1 year old. At that time a weekend program spot opened and I took it and have been doing that now for 3.5 years. I do the part time option. Which means no benefits, we use hubbys work benefits. At my hospital it means working 24 hours between 3pm on friday and 7am on monday. I work sat and sun now from 3pm-3am. If I get those 24 hours in on a weekend I get paid 12 hours of free pay. so I am getting paid like I work full time without doing it. In the weekend program I am in I can choose to take one weekend off every 4 week schedule, so I do to have a weekend with family. however on those weekends I do not get paid. Hope that helps you. We are working towards the goal of me only working around 2 days a month especially as the kids get older and we get more involved with home education. Please feel free to ask any other questions.

Mama M said...

Ok...I see how it works @ your hospital. Hopefully I am able to integrate that schedule into my homeschool, because by the time I graduate I should be homeschooling more frequently. Actually she'll probably be around 4 or 5. Thanks for the info!